Showing posts with label Sneak/Bent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sneak/Bent. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2012

Sneak/Bent Interpretations

Our challenge last week was Sneak/Bent.  While our interpretations were few, the color and quality were great.  Thanks to all, and take a look at the interpretations from Vivian, Diane, and Eeyore.  I apologize for being late with my own entry, but I'll put up a post about why later this week, maybe, or maybe I won't get to it.  If I missed your interpretation, leave me a comment and I'll get your link up.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Weekly Challenge: Sneak/Bent

The challenge for this week is: Sneak/Bent. 
This challenge will end at 11:59 PM CDT on Sunday, July 29, 2012.  Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, poetry, movie clips, whatever you'd like.
And as a teaser, the next challenge will be: Z/Abstract.