Hi all,
My name is Larry Mathews, known in the blogosphere as Eeyore of Eeyore's Ramblins. In Janet's last post she asked for volunteers to administer the Two Things Challenge site and keep the challenge going, since she no longer has the time. Apparently I was the only one who forgot to step backwards, so I'm it. She and I have agreed that I will give it a try, and hopefully I can keep it going as a site people find interesting and challenging.
For the Young / Old Challenge we had only 3 entries, one from Dianne, Vivian, and me, but they are indeed interesting, I think.
We will pick up with the teaser that Janet had issued with this challenge: Hand / Pink.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Young / Old Interpretations
Posted by
9:39 AM
Labels: Interpretations, Young / Old
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Hi loyal Two Things Challenge fans!
First off, let me apologize for dropping the ball here at 2TC. I've loved administering this blog and being a part of what was a weekly creative challenge. This blog was started by Debi Cates's daughter. She then passed it to Debi and Debi passed it to me.
Due to a number of circumstances, I'm no longer able to manage 2TC on a weekly basis, so I'm looking for someone to take over this fabulous site that allows us to stretch our imaginations and creativity in our respective media.
If you'd like to become the administrator of 2TC, email me. I'm taking all applications. All I need to know is your name, your blog address, where you're located geographically (you don't have to specifiy. You can give a general region or state/country, if you'd like), and why you like 2TC. I'll add your name to a hat and draw a new administrator.
The deadline for applications is January 3, 2010.
Janet Kincaid
D.C. Confidential
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
4:46 PM
Labels: Help Wanted
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Young / Old
This week's challenge, due on November 15, is Young / Old.
This was originally scheduled to end on November 8, but since I've lagged in keeping this blog up, I think it's fallen off people's radar screens. So, let's have this challenge end on November 15, 2009.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, poetry, whatever you'd like.
And, as a teaser for the week ending Sunday, November 22, the challenge will be: Hand / Pink.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
12:15 PM
Labels: Weekly Challenge, Young / Old
Hot / Wheels Interpretations
Hi all.
No apologies, just links and a collage. If you're still interested in Two Things Challenge, I'm going to do my best to get it going again...
The last challenge was Hot/Wheels and there are some excellent results. Folks interpreting this include Terri, Tash, Dart, Diane, Larry, Carol, and Vivian.
We'll pick up where we left off with the next challenge, which is Young / Old.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
12:00 PM
Labels: Hot / Wheels, Interpretations
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Hot / Wheels
This week's challenge is Hot / Wheels.
This challenge ends on September 27, 2009.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, poetry, whatever you'd like.
And, as a teaser for the week ending Sunday, October 4, the challenge will be: Young / Old.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
6:30 PM
Labels: Hot / Wheels, Weekly Challenge
Apple / Eye Interpretations
Last week's challenge was Apple / Eye. Our contributors were both literal and figurative and the results are outstanding, as always! We also have a couple of newcomers and want to say welcome and thank you for joining in.
This week's interpreters are: Dart, Larry, Carolyn, Dana, Marley, Diane, Carol, Maya, and Virginia. Thanks to everyone who contributed! If I missed anyone, please give a holler by leaving a comment and I'll add your bit to the collection.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
6:00 PM
Labels: Apple / Eye, Interpretations
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Apple / Eye
The challenge for the week ending September 13 was supposed to be Apple / Eye. As I didn't get around to posting the challenge a week in advance, I'm moving the deadline to Sunday, September 20. So, if you'd still like to participate, there's time.
Thus far, we have contributions from Virginia and Dart. (In fact, I think I used one of Dart's images in last week's round-up of interpretations. Oh well. It's a great photo, so I'll use it again for the round-up of Apple / Eye. Sorry for the oversight on that, Dart!) All that said, here's the usual text.
This week's challenge is Apple / Eye.
This challenge ends on September 20, 2009.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, poetry, whatever you'd like.
And, as a teaser for the week ending Sunday, September 27, the challenge will be: Hot / Wheels.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
2:54 PM
Labels: Apple / Eye, Weekly Challenge
Road / Arch Interpretations
Sorry for the late posting of the interpretations for Road / Arch from last week. We had seven individuals contributed to this challenge. They were: Dart, Dana, Rob, Diane, Larry, Carolyn, and Maya.
Thanks to everyone who participated!
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
2:38 PM
Labels: Interpretations, Road / Arch
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Road / Arch
This week's challenge is Road / Arch.
This challenge ends on September 6, 2009.
My apologies to those of you who posted interpretations for this one today. I forgot to change the date in last week's post to reflect the challenge for the next week. So, some of you are early (Virginia and Carolyn), while the rest of us will be catching up. I'll post interpretations for this challenge next week. Sorry for the snafu!
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, poetry, whatever you'd like.
And, as a teaser for the week ending Sunday, September 13, the challenge will be: Apple / Eye.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
6:15 PM
Labels: Road / Arch, Weekly Challenge
Early / Late Interpretations
This week's challenge was Early / Late. This week's interpreters were: Rob, Dana, Marley, Virginia, Janet, and Maya. Good job everyone!
Next week's challenge is Road / Arch. A couple of people have already contributed to that and I'll post their interpretations next week.
In the meantime, if I've missed any interpretations for Early / Late, please leave a comment and I'll post a link to your contribution.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
6:00 PM
Labels: Early / Late, Interpretations
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Early / Late
This week's challenge is Early / Late.
This challenge ends on August 30, 2009.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, poetry, whatever you'd like.
And, as a teaser for the week ending Sunday, September 6, the challenge will be: Arch / Road.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
12:30 PM
Labels: Early / Late, Weekly Challenge
Cause / Effect Interpretations
This week's challenge was Cause / Effect. Several us participated and the interpretations are all wonderful! Check out Tash, Casey, Diane, Lisa, Llyn, Janet, Rob, and Maya. Nice job everyone! And welcome to Casey and Llyn. Glad you've joined us!
Next week's challenge is Early / Late. Hope you'll join in.
If I missed anyone interpretation, please leave a comment here and I'll post a link.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
12:00 PM
Labels: Cause / Effect, Interpretations
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Cause / Effect
This week's challenge is Cause / Effect.
This challenge ends on August 23, 2009.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, poetry, whatever you'd like.
And, as a teaser for the week ending Sunday, August 30, the challenge will be: Early / Late.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
12:02 AM
Labels: Cause / Effect, Weekly Challenge
Star / Appeal Interpretations
Last week's challenge was Star / Appeal. Five of us participated. This challenge's interpreters were: Janet, Rob, Maya, Diane, and Larry.
The challenge for the week ending August 23 is Cause / Effect. Hope you'll join us! And thanks to everyone who participated in Star / Appeal. If I missed anyone's interpretation, please leave a comment and I'll post a link to your entry.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
12:01 AM
Labels: Interpretations, Star / Appeal
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Star / Appeal
This week's challenge is Star / Appeal.
This challenge ends on August 18, 2009.
A few of you have already done this one, but I wanted to give some of you a chance to do something, too. I'll be back on Tuesday, August 18, 2009 and will post results then.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, poetry, whatever you'd like.
And, as a teaser for the week ending Sunday, August 23, the challenge will be: Cause / Effect.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
12:00 PM
Labels: Star / Appeal, Weekly Challenge
Yellow / Brick Interpretations
The challenge a couple of weeks ago was Yellow / Brick. We had a few new contributors on this one: welcome Dana and Vivian! Our interpreters were: Marley, Larry, Lisa, Diane, Dana, Vivian, Janet, Rob, and Maya. Well done everyone!
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
11:30 AM
Labels: Interpretations, Yellow / Brick
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Yellow / Brick
This week's challenge is Yellow / Brick.
Amendment: Since I posted this challenge late, this one will end Sunday, August 2, 2009.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, poetry, whatever you'd like.
And, as a teaser for the week following, the challenge will be: Star / Appeal.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
6:15 AM
Labels: Weekly Challenge, Yellow / Brick
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Rusty / Shiny Interpretations
Last week's challenge was Rusty / Shiny. Six people joined the fun! Larry, Tash, Rob, Diane, Maya, and Janet.
Thanks to everyone who joined in!
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
6:00 AM
Labels: Interpretations, Rusty / Shiny
Friday, July 10, 2009
Rusty / Shiny
After a too-long hiatus, I'm reprising Two Things Challenge. This week's challenge is Rusty / Shiny.
This challenge ends Sunday, July 19, 2009.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, poetry, whatever you'd like.
And, as a teaser for the week following, the challenge will be: Yellow / Brick.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
11:30 AM
Labels: Rusty / Shiny, Weekly Challenge
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Work / Play
Still on the road, but wanted to at least post a challenge for this week. I'll try to post a round-up of Open / Road in the next day or two. In the meantime, the new challenge is Work / Play.
This challenge ends Sunday, May 17, 2009.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, poetry, whatever you'd like.
And, as a teaser for the week following, the challenge will be: Yellow / Brick.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
6:00 AM
Labels: Weekly Challenge, Work / Play
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Open / Road
Hello fellow 2 Things Challengers! The posts here have been infrequent of late, and for that I apologize. I've been on the road traveling across the southern United States for the last two and a half weeks. I had virtuous visions that I would update this blog from the road, but alas.
That said, for the past two weeks, the challenge has been Open / Road. I've noticed a few of you have already posted entries, but I don't know exactly who has. If you could leave a comment here and let me know who has posted, I'll try to do a round up in the next day or so.
Thanks for your patience. While I make no guarantees, warranties, or promises for the next week and a half, I can say I look forward to reaching my final destination--Whidbey Island, Washington--and getting back on track with this blog.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
8:55 AM
Labels: Open/Road, Weekly Challenge
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Free / Range
This week's challenge is Free / Range.
This challenge ends Sunday, April 19, 2009.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, poetry, whatever you'd like.
And, as a teaser for the week following, the challenge will be: Open / Road.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
8:30 PM
Labels: Free / Range, Weekly Challenge
Orange / Bug Interpretations
The past week's challenge was Orange / Bug. Several folks interpreted this one, including: Rob, Tash, Diane, Andrea, Vivian, and Maya.
If I missed anyone, please leave a comment and I'll post a link to your interpretation of this challenge. Good job, everyone!
UPDATE: 04.16.09 Llyn at Drolleries has contributed an interpretation for Orange / Bug. Check it out here. And welcome Llyn!
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
8:15 PM
Labels: Interpretations, Orange / Bug
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Orange / Bug
This week's challenge is Orange / Bug.
This challenge ends Sunday, April 12, 2009.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, poetry, whatever you'd like.
And, as a teaser for the week following, the challenge will be: Free / Range.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
7:35 PM
Labels: Orange / Bug, Weekly Challenge
Solemn / Playful Interpretation
Last week's challenge was Solemn/Playful. Not exactly an easy one, but those who participated did a great job. Here are the results from Vivian, Andrea, Diane, Chosha, Maya, and Janet. Good job everybody!
If I missed anyone, please leave a comment and I'll post a link to your interpretation.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
7:30 PM
Labels: Interpretations, Solemn/Playful
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Solemn / Playful
This week's challenge is Solemn / Playful.
This challenge ends Sunday, April 5, 2009.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, poetry, whatever you'd like.
And, as a teaser for the week following, the challenge will be: Orange / Bug.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
6:15 PM
Labels: Solemn/Playful, Weekly Challenge
Foot / Step Interpretation
This week's challenge was Foot / Step. We had some great interpretations, as usual. This week's contributors were: Vivian (Welcome!), Rob, Greg (Welcome!), Marley, Diane, Katie, Larry, Janet, and Maya.
If I missed anyone, let me know and I'll add a link to your interpretation. Good job everyone!
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
6:00 PM
Labels: Foot / Step, Interpretations
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Foot / Step
I think we're back on track now. This week's challenge is Foot / Step.
This challenge ends Sunday, March 29, 2009.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, poetry, whatever you'd like.
And, as a teaser for the week following, the challenge will be: Playful / Solemn.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
9:00 PM
Labels: Foot / Step, Weekly Challenge
Window / View
This past week's 2 Things Challenge was Window / View. Several of us contributed to this one and the interpretations are, as usual, quite good.
Check out this week's interpreters: Larry, Miz Katie (welcome!), Marley, Diane, Janet, Tash, Andrea, and Maya.
Rob, did I miss you? And Lisa, please leave a link in the comments to your contribution. I couldn't find it.
And though she didn't really post this as a 2 Things interpretation, I'm adding an entry Virginia posted earlier in the week with a nice view of a window through a door, as well as one from 2 Things Challenge founder Debi Cates. Here is Virginia and here is Debi.
If I missed anyone else, please holler and I'll post a link to your interpretation.
Good job everyone!
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
8:30 PM
Labels: Interpretations, Window / View
Stripes / Stars Interpretations
This round up is a couple of weeks late owing to the fact that I was on a road trip and too tuckered out at the end of each day's drive to do much blogging. The challenge for the week ending March 8, 2009, was Stripes / Stars. Several folks interpreted this one and did a great job of it.
Here are the contributions from Maya, Diane (here and here), Marley, Rob, and Janet.
If I missed anyone on this one, shout out and I'll add a link to your interpretation.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
8:00 PM
Labels: Interpretations, Stripes / Stars
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Window / View
Hi all!
Sorry I haven't posted the round up for last week's challenge. I've been on the road and will try to get Stars / Stripes up in the next day or two. In the meantime, this week's challenge is Window / View.
This challenge ends Sunday, March 22, 2009.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, poetry, whatever you'd like.
And, as a teaser for the week following, the challenge will be: Foot / Step.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
7:00 PM
Labels: Weekly Challenge, Window / View
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Stripes / Stars
This week's challenge is Stripes / Stars.
This challenge ends Sunday, March 8, 2009.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, poetry, whatever you'd like.
And, as a teaser for the week following, the challenge will be: Window / View.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
8:00 PM
Labels: Stripes / Stars, Weekly Challenge
Shadows / Patterns Interpretations
This past week's challenge was Shadows / Patterns, which turned out to be a great challenge, because the results are simply fabulous! This week's participants were: Lisa, Diane, Maya, Rob, Debi, and Janet (here and here.)
If I missed anyone or if you still want to participate, please leave a comment and I'll add a link to your interpretation.
Thanks to everyone who contributed this week. Good job y'all!
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
7:30 PM
Labels: Interpretations, Shadows / Patterns
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Shadows / Patterns
This week's challenge is Shadows / Patterns.
This challenge ends Sunday, March 1, 2009.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, poetry, whatever you'd like.
And, as a teaser for the week following, the challenge will be: Stripes / Stars.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
7:20 PM
Labels: Shadows / Patterns, Weekly Challenge
Shiny / Dull Interpretations
This past week's Two Things Challenge was Shiny / Dull. As always, the interpretations are as diverse and fun as the interpreters. We also have a new contributor this week, too: Nessa Bates from Jacksonville, Florida. Welcome, Nessa!
This week's contributors are: Nessa, Tash, Maya, Rob, Diane, Janet, and Larry. If I've missed anyone, please leave a comment and I'll add a link to your interpretation. Thanks to everyone who participated this week.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
6:00 PM
Labels: Interpretations, Shiny / Dull
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Shiny / Dull
This week's challenge is Shiny / Dull.
This challenge ends Sunday, February 22, 2009.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, poetry, whatever you'd like.
And, as a teaser for the week following, the challenge will be: Shadows / Patterns.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
10:30 PM
Labels: Shiny / Dull, Weekly Challenge
Corner / Door Interpretations
Last week's challenge was Corner / Door. Five of us interpreted this one. This week's contributors are: Rob, Marley, Janet, Andrea, and Diane. Thanks everyone!
If I missed anyone, please leave a comment here and I'll add a link to your interpretation.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
10:00 PM
Labels: Corner / Door, Interpretations
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Corner / Door
This week's challenge is Corner / Door.
This challenge ends Sunday February 15, 2009.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, poetry, whatever you'd like.
And, as a teaser for the week following, the challenge will be: Shiny / Dull.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
9:15 PM
Labels: Corner / Door, Weekly Challenge
Hot / Cold Interpretations
Last week's challenge was Hot / Cold. It's always such a treat to see how everyone will interpret two things and this week is no exception.
Contributors this week are: Marley, Rob, Diane, Bev, Maya, and Janet.
If I missed anyone, please leave a comment and I'll add a link to your interpretation.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
9:00 PM
Labels: Hot / Cold, Interpretations
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Hot / Cold
This week's challenge is Hot / Cold.
This challenge ends Sunday February 8, 2009.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, poetry, whatever you'd like.
And, as a teaser for the week following, the challenge will be: Corner / Door.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
6:30 AM
Labels: Hot / Cold, Weekly Challenge
Many / Few Interpretations
My apologies for the late posting of this past week's round-up. I've had guests in town for the last five days! Last week's challenge was Many / Few. Our interpreters are: Diane, Lisa, Rob, Maya, Janet, and Chosha. Good job on this one, everybody!
If I missed anyone, please holler and I'll add a link to your contribution.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
6:15 AM
Labels: Interpretations, Many / Few
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Many / Few
This week's challenge is Many / Few.
This challenge ends Sunday February 7, 2009.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, poetry, whatever you'd like.
And, as a teaser for the week following, the challenge will be: Hot / Cold.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
8:45 PM
Labels: Many / Few, Weekly Challenge
Local / International Interpretations
This week's challenge was Local / International. Several of us contributed to this one and the results are fun and insightful.
This week's interpreters are: Diane, Rob, Brian, Tash, Janet, Virginia, and Maya. If I missed anyone, leave a comment and I'll add a link to your entry.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
8:30 PM
Labels: Interpretations, Local / International
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Local / International
This week's challenge is Local / International.
This challenge ends on 19:00 UTC Sunday January 25, 2009.
That is Sunday noon EST, 11 am CST, 9 am PST, 7 pm in the UK, and Monday 8 am in New Zealand. And lest this sound strict, you know we would be pleased at any time to have your entry. We really aren't rule-oriented.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, poetry, whatever you'd like.
And, as a teaser for the week following, the challenge will be: Many / Few.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
8:15 PM
Labels: Local / International, Weekly Challenge
Paper / Plastic Interpretations
This week's Two Things Challenge was Paper / Plastic. Quite a number of us met this one head on. And, as usual, the results are a lot of fun.
This week's interpreters are: Everyday Matters, Larry, Bev (here and here), Marley, Tash, Janet, Maya, and Diane. Please note, Larry's entry includes a great essay about paper and plastic, so be sure to check it out along with his photos.
Thanks to everyone who participated this week. If I missed anyone, please leave a comment and I'll add a link to your entry.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
8:00 PM
Labels: Interpretations, Paper / Plastic
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Paper / Plastic
This week's challenge is Paper / Plastic.
This challenge ends on 19:00 UTC Sunday January 18, 2009.
That is Sunday noon EST, 11 am CST, 9 am PST, 7 pm in the UK, and Monday 8 am in New Zealand. And lest this sound strict, you know we would be pleased at any time to have your entry. We really aren't rule-oriented.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, poetry, whatever you'd like.
And, as a teaser for the week following, the challenge will be: Local / International.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
6:00 PM
Labels: Paper / Plastic, Weekly Challenge
Partial / Whole Interpretations
This week's challenge was Partial / Whole. The variety and similarity in this week's interpretations is delightful. Once again, everyone who participated came up with fun contributions and one of our contributors even added a twist to hers. This week also brings Marley of Cheltenham Daily Photo to our ranks. Welcome, Marley! With Marley in the mix and Rob, Larry, and Brian posting this week, I think this is the first time we've had almost as many men as women!
This week's contributors are: Diane, Larry, Marley, Julie, Janet, Tash, Brian, Rob, and Maya. If I've missed anyone, let me know and I'll add a link to your entry. Thanks to everyone who participated this week. Good job everybody!UPDATE - 01.12.09: Chosha, in Australia, joins us for the first time this week with her interpretation of Partial / Whole. Welcome! Be sure to check out her contribution. It's pretty cool!
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
5:30 PM
Labels: Interpretations, Partial / Whole
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Partial / Whole
This week's challenge is Partial / Whole.
This challenge ends on 19:00 UTC Sunday January 11, 2009.
That is Sunday noon EST, 11 am CST, 9 am PST, 7 pm in the UK, and Monday 8 am in New Zealand. And lest this sound strict, you know we would be pleased at any time to have your entry. We really aren't rule-oriented.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, poetry, whatever you'd like.
And, as a teaser for the week following, the challenge will be: Paper / Plastic.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
6:30 PM
Labels: Partial / Whole, Weekly Challenge
New / Hope Interpretations
This week's Two Things Challenge was New / Hope. Given that we've started a new year this week and so many of us see that as a time to have hope, I figured this combination would be a good challenge. Once again, the interpretations do not disappoint!
This week's contributors are Maya, Julie, Tash, Rob, Janet, Diane, and Virginia. A special welcome to Julie, who is joining us for the first time this week from Sydney! If I missed anyone, please leave a comment and I'll add a link to your interpretation.
A great start to this year's challenge! Here's to another year of thought-provoking challenges and outstanding interpretations.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
6:00 PM
Labels: Interpretations, New / Hope