This week's 2 Things Challenge is Work / Book. You can show us what you do or where you work or what you're working on.... You can show us what you're reading or what needs to be read or books you collect or places you go to collect books. Whatever. As usual, the only limitation is your imagination.
This challenge ends on 19:00 UTC Sunday July 6, 2008.
This is Sunday noon EST, 11 am CST, 9 am PST, 7 pm in the UK, and Monday 8 am in New Zealand. And lest this sound strict, you know we would be pleased at any time to have your entry. We really aren't rule-oriented.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, whatever you'd like.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Work / Book
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
10:30 PM
Labels: Weekly Challenge, Work / Book
Round / Square Interpretations
This week's challenge was Round / Square and produced a hoard of excellent interpretations. This week's contributors are: Maya, Frances, Janet, Diane (here and here) Rob, Andrea, and Bev (here and here.)
As always, everyone is welcome to join in the fun. If I missed anyone who contributed to this week's challenge, please let me know so I can link you here.
Thanks again to everyone who played along this week. Very, very well done!
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
10:02 PM
Labels: Interpretations, Round / Square
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Round / Square
This week's 2 Things Challenge is Round / Square. Hint: It can be an object or a place. As always, sky's the limit on the interpretations.
This challenge ends on 19:00 UTC Sunday June 29, 2008.
This is Sunday noon EST, 11 am CST, 9 am PST, 7 pm in the UK, and Monday 8 am in New Zealand. And lest this sound strict, you know we would be pleased at any time to have your entry. We really aren't rule-oriented.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, whatever you'd like.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
7:30 PM
Labels: Round / Square, Weekly Challenge
Parallel / Perpendicular Interpretations
This week's 2 Things Challenge was Parallel / Perpendicular and the interpretations are some of the best I've seen! From Bev's fabulous illustration to Andrea's hilarious adventures of Sock Monkey in search of the perfectly parallel-perpendicular predicaments, this week's photos and art are too, too fun. Check it out: Maya, Bev, Rob, Janet, Diane, and Andrea.
Thanks to everyone who participated! Really, really well done. If I've missed someone, please let me know and I'll post a link to your interpretation here.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
6:00 PM
Labels: Interpretations, Parallel / Perpendicular
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Parallel / Perpendicular
Just for fun, this week's Two Things Challenge is Parallel / Perpendicular.
This challenge ends on 19:00 UTC Sunday June 22, 2008.
This is Sunday noon EST, 11 am CST, 9 am PST, 7 pm in the UK, and Monday 8 am in New Zealand. And lest this sound strict, you know we would be pleased at any time to have your entry. We really aren't rule-oriented.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, whatever you'd like.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
8:00 PM
Labels: Parallel / Perpendicular, Weekly Challenge
Fireplug / Flagpole Interpretations
This week's 2 Things Challenge was Fireplug / Flagpole. A few of us got in on the fun and here are the results for your viewing enjoyment: Diane, Andrea, Bev (here and here), and Janet (here and here.) Also, while this isn't technically a contribution, the folks at Quincy Daily Photo had a nice, sort of homey shot up on their blog on Friday of a flag. Check it out here. As always, if I've missed anyone, let me know so I can add you to the list of folks who contributed.
Thanks for playing along everyone!
UPDATE: 06.19.08--Be sure to check out Maya's picture of a fireplug here!
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
7:55 PM
Labels: Fireplug / Flagpole, Interpretations
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Fireplug / Flagpole
Just for fun, this week's Two Things Challenge is Fireplug* / Flagpole.
This challenge ends on 19:00 UTC Sunday June 15, 2008.
This is Sunday noon EST, 11 am CST, 9 am PST, 7 pm in the UK, and Monday 8 am in New Zealand. And lest this sound strict, you know we would be pleased at any time to have your entry. We really aren't rule-oriented.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, whatever you'd like.
* Also known as a fire hydrant.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
6:01 PM
Labels: Fireplug / Flagpole, Weekly Challenge
Symmetrical / Abstract Interpretations
The past week's challenge was Symmetrical / Abstract and the submissions are really good, as usual!
This week's contributors are: Rob, Bev, Diane, Andrea, Maya, and Janet. Be sure to check out their work. And if I missed anyone, please let me know so I can include you.
Thanks again everyone! Really well done!
Update 06.11.08: Missed this on Lisa's blog. Be sure to check out her interpretation of Symmetrical.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
6:00 PM
Labels: Interpretations, Symmetrical / Abstract
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Symmetrical / Abstract
This week's 2 Things Challenge is Symmetrical / Abstract.
This challenge ends on 19:00 UTC Sunday June 8, 2008.
This is Sunday noon EST, 11 am CST, 9 am PST, 7 pm in the UK, and Monday 8 am in New Zealand. And lest this sound strict, you know we would be pleased at any time to have your entry. We really aren't rule-oriented.
Remember, anyone can join! Just post your entries--as few or as many as you'd like--on your blog and leave us a comment here. All media are welcome--paintings, photography, collages, drawings, sculpture, whatever you'd like.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
8:35 PM
Labels: Symmetrical / Abstract, Weekly Challenge
Alliteration / Alike Interpretations
This week's challenge was a bit of a stretch, but those who participated did a really, really fantastic job! I don't know about the rest of you, but I love alliterations and had a lot of fun with this one.
Contributors to this week's challenge include: Bev at On Another Planet, Rob at Dusty Lens, Lisa at Lisa Sarsfield 365 (here and here), Janet at D.C. Confidential (here and here), and Diane at Diane Clancy's Art. Thanks to everyone who participated!
If I missed anyone, please let me know so I can add you to this interpretation.
Posted by
Janet Kincaid
8:30 PM
Labels: Alliteration / Alike, Interpretations