This week's challenge is Home and Health. Here's to your home and health in 2008!
This challenge ends on 19:00 UTC Sunday January 6, 2008.
That is Sunday noon EST, 1pm CST, 7 pm in the UK, and Monday 8 am in New Zealand. And lest this sound strict, you know we would be pleased at any time to have your entry. We really aren't rule-oriented.
Remember anyone can join, just post your entries on your blog and leave us a comment here.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Home / Health
Posted by
1:26 AM
Labels: Home / Health, Weekly Challenge
Tidy / Ends Interpretations
Posted by
12:43 AM
Labels: Interpretations, Tidy / Ends
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Tidy / Ends
This week's challenge is Tidy and Ends.
This challenge ends on Sunday December 30th, 2007. Remember anyone can join, just post your entries on your blog and leave us a comment here. You can post one entry for one word, one entry for both words, an entry per each word, and you can even -- you industrious ones -- post multiple entries for the challenge. This weekly challenge is simply to have fun, to stretch your imagination, and to enjoy a sense of community.
P.S. If any entrant would like to make suggestions for 2008 challenges, I'd be most happy to include them. Just drop me an email to debimailbox-2007 at yahoo dot com.
P.P.S. I don't mean to exclude any one, but starting 2008 I'd like to change the challenge to be Sunday through Saturday. That gives me a non-work day -- Sunday -- to get the previous week's interpretations thumbnails on and to post the upcoming week's challenge. Since it's usually me that's been the trailing Sunday entrant, I figure that's ok with everyone. ;)
Posted by
3:01 AM
Labels: Tidy / Ends, Weekly Challenge
Sweet / Star Interpretations
click on image to go to contributor's blog

Bravo to the entrants for squeezing in this busy week's challenge! Thanks to Three Hundred & Sixty Five, Heavenly Body, Diane Clancy's Art, Debi Cates Photo A Day, D.C. Confidential
Posted by
3:00 AM
Labels: Interpretations, Sweet / Star
Friday, December 21, 2007
Hold / Value Interpretations for Charity & Final Tally
click on image to go to contributor's blog

Remember that we have extended this particular 2 Thing Challenge through Wednesday, December 19th to be included in the donation tally. So, you still have time to contribute to the challenge and break the bank. ;)
UPDATE 2007-12-21 and final tally
Thank you for the 9 entries: Life in the Sunshine, Heavenly Body, Three Hundred & Sixty Five, Debi Cates Photo A Day, D.C. Confidential, Diane Clancy Art Blog, Great Grannie's Blog,
Arizona Mama's Musings, A Carpet Full of Holes
That makes 90 bucks for charity! Hope I didn't miss anyone. Thank you each and everyone for your participation, especially those that had to scrabble to make it at this time of year. We appreciate everyone. Happy Holidays!
(We haven't heard back yet from our designated charity-chooser, but we'll find a good charity regardless and I'm sure Tewkesbury will update us on her blog .)
Posted by
8:14 PM
Labels: Hold / Value, Interpretations
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Sweet / Star
In consideration of holiday shoppers, holiday decorators, holiday bakers, Santa helpers, caroling-carolers, party-goers, party-givers, present-wrappers, eggnog-drinkers, eggnog-makers, and overall-exhausted bloggers everywhere, this week's 2 Thing Challenge is Sweet and Star. Hopefully that won't be too taxing while you have so much else going on.
This challenge ends on Sunday December 23rd, 2007. Remember anyone can join, just post your entries on your blog and leave us a comment here.
P.S. Because it is for charity, we are allowing entries for last week's challenge, Hold / Value, until December 19th.
Posted by
10:50 PM
Labels: Sweet / Star, Weekly Challenge
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
A Twist and An Extended Deadline
I just received an email from the blog author of The Chronicles of Tewkesbury, and I am blown away by the idea she has concocted.
Be sure to do your post for this week's 2 Thing Challenge and by your doing so the Chronicler of Tewkesbury is going to reach into her pocket and give $5 to charity. How cool and in the spirit of the season is that?
Want to know even more?
- Read The Chronicle of Tewkesbury's post with the four possible ways to participate, and this subsequent post about the $5 idea.
- This courageous blogger, Toddler Planet, gets to chose the charity.
- I (Debi) will also match Tewkesbury's donation that comes from every 2 Thing Challenge post this week.
P.S. Feel free to pass on the word on your blog. The extended deadline is Wednesday December 19th.
Posted by
10:06 AM
Labels: Hold / Value, Weekly Challenge
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Hold / Value
This weeks 2 thing challenge is Hold and Value.
This challenge ends on Sunday December 16th, 2007. Remember anyone can join, just post your entries on your blog and leave us a comment here.
I chose the first word at random -- just let my mind wander a bit. Once I came up with "value" I liked it a lot because of all its possible meanings you could interpret. Then I wanted a somewhat complimentary word and it crossed my mind that "hold," like "value," had lots of meanings. And like everyone here I'm sure, I like the phrase "hold value." But, of course, you can interpret them as two separate entities. Indeed, the most important thing to remember is do what you like to fulfill this 2 Thing challenge.
P.S. Beginning this week I'll start updating with thumbnails of the various past entries, first finishing last week's, and then beyond. And while at it, I'll see about adding the subscribe via email widget that Lisa requested.
Posted by
9:46 PM
Labels: Hold / Value, Weekly Challenge
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Colo{u}rful / Words
This weeks 2 thing challenge is Colourful (or Colorful) and Words.
This challenge ends on Sunday December 9th, 2007. Remember anyone can join, just post your entries on your blog and leave us a comment here.
I broke ranks and have given you a pair that aren't opposite, don't begin with the same letter, and don't even rhyme. Instead, I chose a phrase and broke it into two. Lately I've noticed how although we are all English speakers, sometimes there remains a gap. It's kind of funny we still have to "translate" sometimes!
Click on images to go to that contributor's blog.

A great bunch of entries! Thanks to Three Hundred & Sixty Five, D.C. Confidential, Heavenly Body, A Carpet Full of Holes, Debi Cates Photo A Day , Diane Clancy's Art
Posted by
7:29 PM
Labels: Colo{u}rful / Words, Weekly Challenge